Browsing Category


  • Strawberry cupcakes

    Strawberries and Buttercream Cupcakes

    These are best ever strawberry cupcakes and buttercream . I made these for Michelle’s kitchen tea and I honestly think these are the nicest cupcakes I have ever tasted.  They are soft…

  • Chocolate orange cheesecake

    Chocolate Orange Cheesecake

    I love pulling out my recipe books and browsing through old family recipes.  I was reminded recently by a friend of this Chocolate Orange cheesecake recipe that I had made time and…

  • Breakfast granola cups

    Healthy Breakfast Granola cups

     These little granola cups can be filled with loads of interesting things.  Natural yoghurt with cinnamon and blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and cherries would be my first choice, but fill them with…

  • Lemon drop cookies

    Lemon drop cookies

    I bought some great farm eggs with yolks that were almost orange they were so dark.  I knew they would make the most amazing lemon curd, so I whipped up a bottle…

  • Crema de limonchello

    Crema di Limoncello

    When Life hands you lemons, I say have a Gin and Tonic.   But when life hands you a lemon tree groaning with lemons, I say get creative with them.  Once again…

  • Mascarpone papaya tarts

    Papaya, Mascarpone,and Ginger Tartlets

    There is life beyond fruit salad for some of the delicious tropical fruits available at the moment.  Papaya with its blush-pink colour, gives a subtle flavour of the tropics to these  tartlets.…

  • Watermelon and feta salad

    Watermelon and Feta Salad

    Despite the enormous gratification biting into a simple slice of watermelon can bring, there is another ingredient that complements watermelon, and that  is feta.  The salty creaminess of a really good feta turns…

  • Berry Granola Breakfast

    Berries yoghurt and granola Breakfast

     I have been feeling really blue lately, and with our nation in a state of shock over the fall from grace of one of our inspirational sporting heroes, it has added to…

  • Tropical fruit salad

    Tropical Fruit Salad with Thai Ginger Dressing

     Our weather is unbelievably hot at the moment, and being in the kitchen is not ideal.  So my favourite tropical fruit salad seemed the perfect thing to make for this weather.  There’s…