Because I love all things spicy and hot, these carrots are a regular feature in my fridge. They are one of the easiest pickles to make, and can be eaten within 10 days, so there is no long pickling, or fermentation process needed for them. Get into the kitchen and make them, as there is nothing better than a fridge full of pickles.
I like to use baby carrots, just because they are too cute, look gorgeous, and you can grab onto the green stalks if you want to sneak one out of the jar without any effort. You can use large ones cut into julienned sticks, and packed tightly into pickling jars if you prefer. It is all a matter of choice and what is available at the time. As always, the fresher the carrots the better, because it’s nice to keep them as crunchy as possible. What is a pickle without a crunch?
I make my own chilli flakes, by drying the chillies and then processing them in a grinder, or blender. Make sure they are completely dry before grinding and leave the seeds in for added heat. I like to have a mixture of chillies, or anything that is growing in my garden at the time. Cayenne, Jalapeños, Thai, and Serrano are the usual mixture I make, but quite honestly you could use any one or combination. However, Jalapeños are not good to use alone as they are not hot enough. If the recipe is too hot for you, adjust the amount of chilli used to suit your own taste. I also use Apple Cider Vinegar , but you could use white spirit vinegar if preferred.
This is Liz Pruiett’s famous Tartine Carrot recipe, which I have adapted slightly to suit my own taste.

Quick Pickle recipe
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 1/4 cups water
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1/4 onion, chopped roughly
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp dried chili flakes
- 1 tsp peppercorns
- 12 baby carrots or carrots julienned/ cut into sticks
Place all the ingredients except the carrots into a pot and heat.
Once the water is boiling, add the cleaned carrots to the pot and boil for 3 or 4 minutes. They must remain crisp, so do not cook them for too long.
Remove the carrots and allow them to cool. Keep the pickling liquid .
Once the liquid and carrots are cool, place the carrots into a prepared pickling jar, and pour the liquid over them.
This are ready to eat within 7 - 10 days.
Eat with your favourite sandwich, cheese and charcuterie board, or on their own as a snack.
My mouth is watering at the thought of making this. Great recipe. And so simple. I will use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. Darn those carrots looks lovely.
Yip they are great, and worth a try