Mother’s Day is a day when we pay tribute to all the beautiful woman of the world who have sacrificed so much to keep their children warm and safe, who work tirelessly to provide them with the best opportunities they can provide for a happy healthy life, and who nurture them from babies and love them unconditionally when they have grown up. They are the binding thread that holds a family together, from their undying love that comes with soft snuggles and kisses , to strong discipline strategies to stem temper tantrums and defiance as they grow older.
My children are my life, I would move heaven and earth for them, and my greatest joy is the knowledge that they have grown to be strong, beautiful, caring adults. As my boys ventured out into the big world and made their homes in distant countries I treasure even more, the short time I manage to spend with them, and feel so grateful that there is never a week that goes by without them contacting me, sharing their week with me and telling me that they love me. I am truly blessed to have my daughter live a short distance up the road from me, and her constant love and caring for me, goes beyond anything I could ever have wished for in my wildest dreams, a relationship I was never able to nurture with my mother, as she was taken from me too soon.
So on this Mother’s Day that will soon be upon us, my wish for every Mother, and especially for my daughter who is about to become a mother , and my daughters in law, is that you will know that your children love you. Whether you can be with them or not, whether they call you or not, be happy in the knowledge that there is a bond and love that can never be broken between a mother and her child.
Happy Mother’s Day my friends.
Thank you for your wonderful blog! Just a quick question – did you take the photo of the pink roses – it is fantastic!!! I’d love a print of it. Thanks Linda
How beautiful. Have a super day Ev. I can relate to every sentence that you have written. The greatest joy as a mother is when you know that your children are happy…
So so so pretty Ev. can’t decide which one I loved more…the photos or the lovely words.
You are so kind Sonali. Have a lovely week. xxx
Such lovely words Ev! Hope you had an awesome day. Lots of love…