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  • Overnight breakfast bowls

    Healthy Overnight Breakfast Bowls

      Wake up to a super-charged breakfast with this healthy overnight Breakfast Bowl. This porridge has become one of my go-to breakfasts since I became a mom.  I prepare my breakfast the night before…

  • The Chilli Pepper

    The Chilli Pepper

    by Marilina Lewis – Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach Crispy Clean & Chilly……but sometimes rather ‘hot’ too ! That describes our gorgeous South African winter at the moment….but it also describes a very…

  • The Benefits of Cinnamon

    The Benefits of Cinnamon

      I am so excited that my beautiful daughter-in-law Kelly,  has joined Shades of Cinnamon with tips and recipes for a healthy lifestyle.  She is a Nutritionist (CNC) Herbalist (CCMH) and Aromatherapist (CCMA).…

  • Natures Superfoods

    Natures Superfoods

     I am so happy to introduce my first guest, Nutrition Coach, Marilina Lewis. Make sure to read all about Marilina in her Bio at the end of her post Hi All…… When…