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  • Yogurt Bavaroise with grapes and muesli

    Yogurt Bavarois with Grapes

    My reasons and joy for travelling are manyfold, and one of them being the inspiration that I get for new ideas and trends in the world of food.  For me there is nothing to beat the exhilarating…

  • Ruby Grapefruit Yogurt Cake

    I have this crazy love for loaf cakes which I can’t explain.  Maybe it’s because there is something about the fact that they don’t require any fancy toppings or decorations to make them perfect.…

  • Yogurt crunch with mixed berries

    Mixed Berry Yogurt Crunch

    So you have traded in your holiday destinations for the office or your daily grind, and while getting back into your routine, I am sure you are working hard on your New Year’s…

  • make your own yogurt

    Make your own healthy yogurt

      Why make your own yogurt…. you might ask?  Well there are so many reasons.  Here is Kelly’s healthy yogurt recipe and a few pictures of our trip to a strawberry farm…