Browsing Category


  • Quick and Easy White Bean Soup

    When you are in need of a quick hearty meal, this white bean soup made with pantry staples can be made in 15 minutes,  just grab a few cans from  the shelf…

  • Thai Spiced Butternut Soup

    Winter has suddenly arrived here in South Africa, and what better way to keep warm than with this Spiced Thai Butternut Soup.  Colds and Flu abound and the warming goodness of ginger…

  • Pumpkin recipes

    October is Pumpkin Month

    As we experience the last cold weather here in South Africa before Summer arrives, it seemed appropriate to take advantage of the beautiful pumpkins that are filling our grocery shelves. Our normal limited choice of…

  • Pea and Ham Soup

    Pea and Ham Soup

       I eat my peas with honey I’ve done it all my life. It makes the peas taste funny But it keeps them on the knife. – anonymous Well this can’t be…

  • Carrot and ginger soup

    Healthy Roasted Carrot and Ginger Soup

    This soup is rich with the flavour of roasted carrots, onions, ginger and garlic.  Add a squeeze of lemon and a dash of honey and its a health remedy in the making.…

  • Patrick Holford's leek and bean soup

    Patrick Holford’s Leek, Potato and Bean Soup

    Patrick Holford  is Britain’s leading nutrition expert, and author of over thirty books on diet, health and nutrition. His 9 Day Liver Detox, contains delicious recipes, which are nutritious and have become part…

  • French onion soup

    French Onion Soup

      Legend has it that the first French Onion Soup soupe à l’oignon à la lyonnaise, was made by King Louix XV.  He was looking for a late night snack to eat, but…

  • Primordial Soup

    Patrick Holford’s Primordial Soup

    This soup recipe is from Patrick Holford’s 9 Day Liver Detox, which is the easiest detox diet in the world.  Every recipe is so delicious you almost want to stay on the…

  • Cauliflower and blue cheese soup

    Cauliflower and Blue Cheese Soup

    This is a hearty vegetable soup and is very simple to make.  The blue cheese adds to the rich flavour, and looks amazing when served with chunks on top, melting into the…

  • Thick winter warming soups

    3 Thick Winter Warming Soups

    It is an understatement to say we are having a cold spell at the moment. Its super cold, and huge parts of South Africa are blanketed in snow today. I have made…