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Bavarian cream with grapes
Yogurt Bavarois with Grapes
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
6 hrs
Total Time
6 hrs 10 mins
makes 2
Course: dessert or breakfast
Servings: 2
Author: shadesofcinnamon.com
  • 120 g yogurt
  • 130 g whipping cream
  • 4 g gelatine leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Bunch of seedless grapes
  • To frost the grapes - white of an egg and castor sugar
  1. Using two cookie cutters or moulds 8cm diameter x 4cm high, line with parchment paper and spray both the mould and the parchment paper with cooking spray.
  2. If you are using a glass or mason jar you do not need to use parchment paper.
  3. Cut the grapes in half and arrange them inside the base/side of the cookie cutter.
  4. Soak the gelatine in cold water.
  5. Weigh the cream and yogurt.
  6. Heat two tablespoons of the cream taken from the total amount, with the sugar and the squeezed gelatine leaves.
  7. Combine the yogurt with the gelatine mixture.
  8. Add the remaining cream.
  9. Pour the mixture into the pastry ring and let it set for 6 hours.
  10. Wash the remaining grapes and dry them very well. Beat the egg white with a fork until it turns white. Brush the grapes with a brush and dip in the castor sugar for a frosted effect. Let them dry on parchment paper
  11. Remove the parchment paper and decorate with cereal and frosted or fresh grapes